Saturday, November 30, 2019

We Review Essay Example

We Review Paper Essay on We Stupor shout Mariupol boring and unbearable thing quiet hysteria. A review of all the good detail, thanks, NATA. And wonderful conclusion a nightmare! It is true: on the one hand the funny, the other a nightmare. The protagonist a mathematician lime, all technocratic nonsense, foolishness with tsifiryu, numerous references to Taylor (scholarship fruits from England), about the room, Gas, etc. reminiscent of Bulgakovs such nonsense pituitary in the same period (almost all of them are twins), by the way, buddy Zamyatin like writing dominates both over, alas, minimally necessary knowledge of what. Neutral parody retelling prejudice Unified Reader heads of his time. So the first sad all the predictions of future relations between the state and the person that supposedly guessed Zamyatin. Nonsense, do not guess anything at this point the story has all of the proposed set of Zamyatin discoveries have tried, but its a long story, do not know what the reader Zamyatin and will never know, but it it not necessary The second sad Zamyatin He ascribes the future narrow-minded idea of ​​State and all these things for some reason called then dystopia. That is, as they say, our friend Dr. Evil, no channel: the thing is, what is the state the phenomenon of the archaic past, not the future here all inexperienced readers and thrown, and therefore it was found that not over a thousand years and only ten more of Zamyatin absurdity began to manifest itself as a blotter in the relationship of law and human and we, in Germany. And that in actual fact it was clear about it in the mid-20s? Amazingly, I understood and predicted it at the same time, Nikolai Ivanovich Bolshevik theorist, a favorite of the party, which was destroyed along with it in the 30s, but later rediscovered skeptic Steven Cohen. We Review Essay Example We Review Paper Essay on We In the novel We Zamyatin creates a model of the One State, where the life of every well-regulated, and the man is only a cog in a streamlined, pre-programmed mechanism. At the head of the State Benefactor, who is assisted by Keepers. Jobs solely for the benefit of all, love only the pink coupons names what an anachronism, everyone the number, it dehumanizes, averages, and impersonal people easier to manage, because they no longer feel the personalities, extraordinary, not like the others, with its advantages and disadvantages. Instead of clothes uniforms, instead of freedom of choice the complete subjugation instead of entertainment laudatory odes Benefactor and marching under the anthem of the One State. It would seem that, in this strictly rational, reasonable little world where emotions are suppressed, and the collective interest prevails over personal, everything is predetermined in advance, but thats a surprise the D-503 suddenly (! Horror of horrors) begins to form the soul. - It is very dangerous I babbled. Terminally cut with scissors. It really is very dangerous, because the D-503 will be the personality that is different from the other, original and unique in its kind, and most importantly feel the taste of freedom. And this can not be avoid, because in this case could start the epidemic, and control over the lives of ciphers will be lost. D-503 is not alone in his illness, there are still people who do not want such happiness in which satisfied all their needs, except for one the opportunity to be themselves, and not fully comply with the preset order and suppress my personality. Order given Benefactor Great Operation. Why worry, to fear, to feel, to experience, to torment yourself with questions, doubts, illusions, if you can get rid of it remove imagination and feelings. Happening the revolt, but if it turned out as intended conspirators An interesting novel style crisp, curt, abrupt proposal, the emotional stress that comes through in all the narrative and is transmitted from the main character readers, amazing metaphors: old moon smile inky familiar, saffron-yellow silk, smile vinegar, the drawn curtain eyes , sweet, sharp, white teeth; smile. She disclosed cup chair like a bee in her sting and honey , crumbling rocky ribs and teeth yellow walls At first, all this hard to take, and then gradually get involved, and not easy to come off and move on. this little world, where everything seems illusory, curved, like a mathematically verified, attractive and repulsive at the same time. Constant movement, event speaker one image is replaced by another, a mathematical term used to describe a quadrangle, and it freckled face, irrational root of minus one, I purposely chose the path not the hypotenuse, and two Catete ., dvoyakoizognutye lips We will write a custom essay sample on We Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on We Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on We Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer one of the sites I came across when discussing the novel with the comment: We have never and will never confess that it is of such operations are sometimes secretly dreams not right? I would very much like to believe that it is not that we are different, n e dream and do not want to turn into a zombie, obedient robots, mechanically and indifferently looking at the world, do not feel anything, but quite believe it can not. Something prevents We Review Essay Example We Review Paper Essay on We The book is heavy and complicated. Interestingly, the attempt to imagine and draw a picture of the future society led all who undertook it for a very sad conclusion (Jack London. The Iron Heel). It is quite another thing when the people were taken for this Sophisticated in theory! One of the most interesting attempts to imagine the future of society, relying on the understanding of the reality of trends, were NI ideas Bukharin. In 1916, they were actually given ( the theory of the imperialist state), the foresight of the new Leviathan a militaristic state capitalism of proximal development of state organisms since there is no socialist revolution is only possible in the form of a militarist state capitalism. Centralization centralization becomes a barracks inevitably gain the upper among the most infamous warlords, beastly drill proletariat, bloody repression. Island (before the break in relations!) Controversy surrounding the article with Lenin at the end of last, not only led t o a complete agreement with the conclusions of Bukharin (in May 1917), but also to write his famous work of Lenin, The State and Revolution. Bukharin scholar Stephen Cohen (historian, political scientist, professor at Princeton University) specifically noted the growing anxiety among Bukharins theoretical, becoming almost prophetic question: Do imagine the possibility of a third type of a modern society can not not capitalist or socialist? Unwilling to evasion in unpleasant theoretical problems, Bukharin between 1915 and 1928. I raised the issue of four (!) times. he replied each time in the affirmative, but stressed that, although such a society is conceivable in theory, in reality it is impossible. Two examples show the direction of his thinking. Bukharin was the first who in 1915 pointed to the possibility of non-socialist non-market economy: If the commodity mode of production then we destroyed would be very special economic form (!) (!) it would no longer capitalism, as the pr oduction of goods would disappear; but still less than it would be socialism, as would be preserved (and even deepened to) the domination of one class over another. Such an economic structure would resemble most closed slave economy, when there is no slave market. In 1928, he returns to this theme: Here there is a planned economy, organized distribution, not only in terms of communication and relationships between the different branches of production, but also in terms of consumption. The slave in this society gets its share of food items that make up the total product of labor. It can get very small, but the crisis still is not. We Review Essay Example We Review Paper Essay on We Stupor shout Mariupol boring and unbearable thing quiet hysteria. A review of all the good detail, thanks, NATA. And wonderful conclusion a nightmare! It is true: on the one hand the funny, the other a nightmare. The protagonist a mathematician lime, all technocratic nonsense, foolishness with tsifiryu, numerous references to Taylor about Gas room, etc. reminiscent of Bulgakovs such nonsense pituitary in the same period (almost all of them are twins), by the way, buddy Zamyatin like writing dominates both over, alas, minimally necessary knowledge of what. Neutral parody retelling prejudice Unified Reader heads of his time. So the first sad all the predictions of future relations between the state and the person that supposedly guessed Zamyatin. Nonsense, do not guess anything at this point the story has all of the proposed set of Zamyatin discoveries have tried, but its a long story, do not know what the reader Zamyatin and will never know, but it it not necessary The second sad Zamyatin He ascribes the future narrow-minded idea of ​​State and all these things for some reason called then dystopia. That is, as they say, our friend Dr. Evil, no channel: the thing is, what is the state the phenomenon of the archaic past, not the future here all inexperienced readers and thrown, and therefore it was found that not over a thousand years and only ten more of Zamyatin absurdity began to manifest itself as a blotter and Human relations States (and by the way we have, and in Germany). And what in actual fact is the fact that it was clear then? And I understand and accurately predicted this at the same time only one theorist Nikolai Ivanovich, later rediscovered skeptic Steven Cohen.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essays - Freudian Psychology, Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud Essays - Freudian Psychology, Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud My girlfriend called me from Dallas the other day. "You have got to hear about the dream I had last night," she said. Since this was not a normal reason to call me, I was more than a bit interested to listen to her. "The dream went like this," she explained. "I came to visit you at college. You showed me around, introduced me to your friends, and showed me a great time. Basically, we never left each others side. I felt so happy. Unfortunately, when I woke up, I realized that it was all a dream, and I felt kind of sad. You?re the psychologist what do you make of this?" she said. "Freud said that dreams are unfulfilled wishes," I said. "I think he?s right," she replied. "So do I." Sigmund Freud is called the Father of Modern Psychology. His work with patients suffering from hysteria, a psychological ailment characterized by extreme anxiety, lead him to study the next to every facet of human existence from parent and child relations to human psychological defense mechanisms. Many of Freud?s works have been published today including the monumental work The Interpretation of Dreams. This book discusses Freud?s theory on the importance and meaning of dreams. Freud realized his dream theory shortly after his father died. The death of his dad was very traumatic to him, and he had a recurring dream that he would be standing at the gates of the cemetery where his father was buried, but he could not bring himself to go inside and see his father?s grave. This seemed odd to Freud because he was very close to his father. After much soul searching, which included Freud undergoing hypnosis, he discovered that he had unresolved anger for his father that he pushed into his unconscious. Freud believed that he was getting even with his father in his dream by not visiting his grave. To Freud, understanding dreams was an integral part in understanding the true inner feelings of people. Freud believed in the theory that dreams have meaning. This hypothesis is also shared by the Gestalt theorist Fritz Pearls. However, not every psychologist agrees with this view. Many of Freud?s colleagues subscribed to the idea that dreams are nothing more than random brain poppings. These scientists do not believe that dreams have any meaning or use in the therapy of people. Freud?s theory is a very important contribution to psychological thought and should not go overlooked. While the random poppings theories may be more biologically correct, Freud?s theory explains a part of the human psyche that science cannot measure. According to Freud, dreams are a disguised form of wish fulfillment, a way to satisfy unconscious urges or resolve unconscious conflicts that are too upsetting to deal with consciously. For example, sexual desires might appear in a dream as the rhythmic motions of a horse back ride; conflicting feelings about a parent might appear as a dream about a fight. Seeing patients? dreams as a "royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious" (Adler 1), Freud interpreted their meaning as a part of his psychoanalytic treatment of psychological disorders. The biggest criticism of the Freudian dream theory is that it is based solely on subjective, unproven, nonscientific evidence. The main opposing view to Freud?s theory is the activation-synthesis theory. First theorized in 1977 by James Hobson and William McCarley, the activation-synthesis theory sees dreams as the meaningless, random by-products of REM sleep. According to this theory, hind brain arousal during REM creates random messages that activate the brain, especially the cerebral cortex. Dreams result as the cortex synthesizes these random messages as best it can, using stored memories and current feelings to impose a coherent perceptual organization on the random thoughts it receives. From this perspective, dreams represent the brain?s attempt to make sense of meaningless stimulation during sleep, much as it does when a person, while awake, tries to find meaningful shapes in cloud formations (Beck 2). The other major dream theory that states that dreams are random is the Crick Hypothesis. This says that dreams are the dislodging of maladaptive neural connections. Dreams rewire the brain and make certain connections stronger. Psychological biology utilizes modern technology to study dreams. The electroencephalogram, or EEG, records brain

Friday, November 22, 2019

Profile of Amelia Bloomer

Profile of Amelia Bloomer Amelia Jenks Bloomer, an editor, and writer advocating for women’s rights  and temperance is known as a promoter of dress reform.  Bloomers are named for her reform efforts.  She lived from  May 27, 1818, to December 30, 1894. Early Years Amelia Jenks was born in Homer, New York. Her father, Ananias Jenks, was a clothier, and her mother was Lucy Webb Jenks.  She attended public school there. At seventeen, she became a teacher.  In 1836, she moved to Waterloo, New York, to serve as a tutor and governess. Marriage and Activism She married in 1840. Her husband, Dexter C. Bloomer, was an attorney. Following the model of others including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the couple did not include the wife’s promise to obey in the marriage ceremony. They moved to Seneca Falls, New York, and he became the editor of the Seneca County Courier. Amelia began writing for several local papers.  Dexter Bloomer became the postmaster of Seneca Falls, and Amelia served as his assistant. Amelia became more active in the temperance movement.  She also was interested in women’s rights and participated in the 1848 woman’s rights convention in her home town of Seneca Falls. The following year, Amelia Bloomer founded a temperance newspaper of her own, the Lily, to give women in the temperance movement a voice, without the domination of men in most temperance groups.  The paper started out as an eight-page monthly. Amelia Bloomer wrote most of the articles in the Lily.  Other activists including Elizabeth Cady Stanton also contributed articles.  Bloomer was considerably less radical in her support of women’s suffrage than her friend Stanton was, believing that women must â€Å"gradually prepare the way for such a step† by their own actions. She also insisted that advocating for temperance not take a back seat to advocate for the vote. The Bloomer Costume Amelia Bloomer also heard of a new costume that promised to liberate women from the long skirts that were uncomfortable, inhibited movement and dangerous around household fires. The new idea was a short, full skirt, with so-called Turkish trousers underneath – full trousers, gathered at the waist and ankles. Her promotion of the costume brought her national renown, and eventually, her name became attached to the â€Å"Bloomer costume.† Temperance and Suffrage In 1853, Bloomer opposed a proposal by Stanton and her collaborator, Susan B. Anthony, that the New York Women’s Temperance Society be opened to men. Bloomer saw the work for temperance as particularly important a task for women. Succeeding in her stand, she became the corresponding secretary for the society. Amelia Bloomer lectured around New York in 1853 on temperance, and later in other states on women’s rights as well.  She sometimes spoke with others including Antoinette Brown Blackwell and Susan B. Anthony.  Horace Greeley came to hear her talk and reviewed her positively in his Tribune. Her unconventional costume helped attract larger crowds, but the attention on what she wore, she began to believe, detracted from her message. So she returned to conventional women’s attire. In December of 1853, Dexter and Amelia Bloomer moved to Ohio, to take up work with a reform newspaper, Western Home Visitor, with Dexter Bloomer as a part-owner. Amelia Bloomer wrote for both the new venture and for Lily, which was now published twice a month at four pages. The circulation of the Lily reached a peak of 6,000. Council Bluffs, Iowa In 1855, the Bloomers moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Amelia Bloomer realized that she could not publish from there, as they were far from a railroad, so she would not be able to distribute the paper. She sold the Lily to Mary Birdsall, under whom it soon failed once Amelia Bloomer’s participation ceased. In Council Bluffs, the Bloomers adopted two children and raised them.  In the Civil War, Amelia Bloomer’s father  was killed at Gettysburg. Amelia Bloomer worked in Council Bluffs on temperance and suffrage. She was an active member in the 1870s of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, and wrote and lectured on temperance and prohibition. She also came to believe that the vote for women was key to winning prohibition. In 1869, she attended the American Equal Rights Association meeting in New York, which was followed by the splintering of the group into the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association. Amelia Bloomer helped found the Iowa Woman Suffrage Society in 1870. She was the first vice president and a year later assumed the presidency, serving until 1873. In the later 1870s, Bloomer had cut back considerably on her writing and lecturing and other public work.  She brought Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to speak in Iowa. She died in Council Bluffs at age 76.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Transformational Leadership and Public Service Motivation Essay

Transformational Leadership and Public Service Motivation - Essay Example The desire to maximize on self-interest provides aspiring leaders the unique chances to assume leadership roles by simultaneously meeting the demands of the subjects and those of the organization.   For Gordon, in his pursuit of exceptional leadership attributes, among the things he ought to understand is that his interaction with his subordinates should permit the building of an explicitly motivational work environment. Doing so implies that the individual acquires the means of transcending their typical roles as followers or leaders. Google’s organizational culture presents the best example of how leaders relate to their supporters. In their culture, the making of company decisions is a role of company employees, irrespective of rank. Any organization needs a workforce made up of leaders and subordinates (Barbuto, 2010, p. 30). The expectancy theory described above relies upon the extrinsic motivators in the description of behaviors demonstrated in the working environment (Barbuto, 2010, p. 28). For instance, external rewards have been known to have inducing effects of fueling practices relative to nitrite motivators (Hitt, Porter & Black, 2011, p. 87). The intrinsi c theory argues that traits are a consequence of internal forces in the form of job satisfaction. Scholarships claim that motivational thoughts hedged on the concept of motivation are of the assumption that subordinates make conscious choices as a way of maximizing self-interests (Paarlberg, & Lavigna, 2010, p. 710).   The above-argued concept makes this paper suggest that the expectancy school of thought provides a vehicle for Gordon to realize his leadership ambitions. The paper argues so because the likelihood model tends to equip leaders with the necessary tools to affect the psychological processes within their followers (Humphreys, & Einstein, 2014, p. 60).  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should Juveniles be tried as adults Research Paper

Should Juveniles be tried as adults - Research Paper Example The basis for trial in these courts was on there are rather than the crime committed. However, in the 20th century, there has been a change on perception of these courts. For example, in the last two decades of the 20th century, there was rethinking on the roles of these courts (Khan 1). Hence, the topic has been controversial in the recent time. Some of the public were calling for establishment of tough law to the juveniles and even trying them as adults. The change in opinions made it possible for some states to make laws that ensured treatment of youthful offenders as adults. This has been done through the modification of the age of juvenile court jurisdiction (Children’s Action Alliance 7). The age reduction has been implemented in states such as New York and North Carolina. In these states, the age of jurisdiction by courts have been reduced to 16 years (Children’s Action Alliance 7). Other states have come up with recommendations of doing away with juvenile courts . On the other hand, there are those that have a strong opposition to trying juveniles as adults. The paper focus on reasons why juveniles should not be tried as adults and refute. Juveniles should not be tried like adults, as their thinking capacity is not full developed. Most of the practices in the society shows that those under the age of eighteen cannot in any way compared to adult. A research carried out has shown that teenager’s brains are not developed like that of adults (Khalid 1). In the society, there are restrictions on drinking, use of tobacco, voting, and some other social activities to youth under eighteen years of age (Baruwa 109). The restriction is due to inability of adolescents of making mature and responsible decisions to some of these things in society. Moreover, the restriction may be due to lack of experience of adolescents in life. The characteristics are an indication that adolescents are in the process of developing to maturity. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Better Teaching Through Provocation Essay Example for Free

Better Teaching Through Provocation Essay The quest for an effective pedagogy differentiates the teacher from the researcher. Within the humanities and social sciences, we are constantly confronted with the challenge of communicating complex material in a novel and effective manner. Active teaming is bolstered by an approach that emphasizes creative problem solving, and critical thinking. And active learning often begins with a question. Despite those techniques, philosophical inquiry can sometimes lead to esoteric, pedantic, or even banal approaches to teaching that leave the neophyte intellectually lost or detached from the learning process. As a discipline, philosophy itself is intrinsically provocative. In the spirit of Nietzsches infamously provocative style, the use of stimulating techniques in teaching introductory college courses can be immensely beneficial. Goals of Provocation The goals of provocative teaching are grounded in a conceptual framework of critical thinking as well as in an understanding and appreciation of the many psychological processes that influence mental life. The teachers strategy should be designed to provoke or pique students to think; that is, to analyze the grounds of their beliefs, which can be directly applied to their personal lives. Stirring questions and statements should challenge (and respectfully critique) the method and rationale by which students arrive at conclusions and reexamine the grounds for their beliefs and attitudes. Guiding Principles Guiding principles in formulating provocative teaching techniques as follows: 1. Orient the technique toward the entire class, not just one student. 2. Allow an appropriate pause time for class response.  3. Respond to all students responses. 4. Validate and confirm student attempts to respond or offer an explanation. 5. Use the discussion to launch into a formal presentation of the material or to augment existing didactic strategies. Classroom Examples Provocative techniques combined with systematic questioning may be applied arbitrarily to any topic. Through provocative systematic questioning, the student realizes that this type of reasoning is an informal fallacy based on an appeal to authority that became conditioned and serves as the grounds for his belief. It is better to focus questions toward the entire class, in a case like this, by focusing on one student, others join in to offer competing arguments or supportive rationale that are further examined by the class as a whole. That generally leads to an inclusive process rather than an exclusive centering on one student. Parenting and Corporal Punishment Students believed that corporal punishment was immoral. Most students believed it was morally acceptable, and some even made a case that it was immoral not to physically discipline children when they commit transgressions, because physical punishment teaches them morals. Provocative exercises may provide a personal utility for self-discovery that departs from the traditional procedures of pedantic pedagogy. Risk of Provocation When we examine controversial issues in class, we should be respectful of individual and cultural differences that may influence certain beliefs and practices, while we still maintain intellectual integrity. It should be a tacit assumption for students that acts of provocation are designed to bring rational and emotional constructs under the rubric of knowledge. No provocation should be executed merely for shock value. Because some students may feel intimidated by philosophical questions, the professor should try to be sensitive to the students cognitive acumen as well as their emotional development. Sometimes, students who are overly emotional, rigid, or vulnerable to a particular topic simply need to be reminded that the discussion at hand is only an object of intellectual investigation and certainly not a personal attack. Conclusion  We must find a method that suits our personalities and didactic styles. Instead of traditional lecturing, the combined use of provocative questions and statements that force the class to respond to a particular issue may have more impact and personal meaning than fort-formal approaches. Furthermore, the use of probing and systematic questioning gears students toward an introspective analysis of their personal beliefs, not only grounded in reason, but also linked to emotional and psychological motives that influence their perception of cause and effect. One will notice progress in their critical thinking skills over the length of the course. Rather than professing an impetuous position based upon unreflective conditioning, students offer more solid argumentation with developed rationale for their beliefs and attitudes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dreams Essay -- Essays Papers

Dreams Are dreams just the interpretation of the human unconcious mind? Do the dreams humans have represent unfulfilled wishes in there unconcious mind? Are feelings of de ja vue just those unconcious thoughts coming out in dreams and as such being thought of as all ready living that specific moment? All good questions that have plauged pyschologist since the age of Freud. Dreams have been seen in different ways by many different people. Some say that there are signs in dreams that point toward things that my happen in life such as omens. Other psychologist such as Freud say that dreams are just representations of our uncoucious minds at work. The world renowned psycologist also goes on to say, "Dreams are just unfulfilled wishes in our minds that come out in our dreams also known as our inhibitions (Freud 12). Dreams are so vast and come in so many forms, but the more they are studied they all point to Freuds view on the uncocious mind just trying to get out. Dreams occur when a person is just barely sleeping. Thier are five stages to sleep, the first being fully awake, the second stage which is barely asleep is where the dreams occur. At this stage in sleep people have what is called REM. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement which means the eyes are moving at a fast pace. When observed on an electrode machine the subject has a lot of alpha movement in the brain(Lefton 123). Alpha waves represent a large firing of nuerons in the brain. This indicates that thoughts are being processed. Durring the last stage of sleep the person shows delta waves occupy the movement in the brain(Lefton 123). Delta waves are long drawn out waves with a slow increase and a slow decrease in the peak. This means that the brain is only conducting i... ...nclusions out of. The first dream dealt with the want to win a championship in soccer. The conclusions that I drew from the dream was that she was a motivated person who plays soccer, but having never won a state championship caused her do have the dream to fulfill her need to win a championship. However the second dream dealt with marriage. This dream was a little harder to put a finger on. The dream vary vivid and even included a few descriptions of people there. To me the dream was just easing her desire to get married at this point in life. This was an unconcious wish she had in her mind. When I asked her about marriage she replied, "I havent talked about it with any one but a couple of days ago I was thinking about it." Ozimok then went on to say" I cant believe how accurate the dream was in comparison to what I was thinking about only a few days ago (Ozimok)."

Monday, November 11, 2019

The management team at Aldus Corporation

The management team at Aldus Corporation was considering a possible reorganization of its existing marketing strategies in order to suit the needs of the market more effectively. Initially, the success of the product had been based on strategic alliances with large corporations such as Apple and IBM.These strategic alliances had facilitated access to a large distribution network. The product’s marketing potential had also been enhanced through technical support which had helped both the business executive and the professional graphics designer to make the most of the software.However this was a single product strategy which was no longer viable because the needs of the two market segments were diverging. For example, the market segment that consisted of business executives required greater user-friendliness while the market segment that consisted of professional graphics designers required a greater range of functionalities.Therefore, the management team at Aldus had to formul ate strategies that would enable the existing organizational structure at Aldus to customize PageMaker to a greater extent to the needs of both segments.Although the proposed reorganization presented several difficult challenges, it was a viable one in light of the fact that both consumer segments were critical to maintaining Aldus’s profit potential.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

High Cost of Poverty in the United States Essay

Poverty can be defined in many different ways. In certain attempts, it can be used in numbers, while other definitions can be more vague, and used to define a life style. The defined term of poverty is â€Å"the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions†. (Mirriam Webster, 2011) According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 37 million people live below the poverty line. â€Å"The ranks of America’s poor swelled to almost 1 in 6 people last year, reaching a new high as long-term unemployment left millions of Americans struggling and out of work. The number of uninsured edged up to 49.9 million, the biggest in more than two decades.† (Yen, 2011) Poverty is obviously very common in our country, and all over the world. Even with the United States being the wealthiest country in the world, we still have many Americans who struggle everyday to survive. The topic I chose to focus on is the high cost of poverty, and ho w it actually costs more to be poor. Although it seems like an oxymoron, it is a very realistic topic. I chose this topic because I have personally been involved in both sides of economic statuses. Although I do not live in extreme poverty, I technically have an income that falls within the line of poverty, but I do not have a family to support and have student loans to live off of. I wanted to know further detail of how those who only experience poverty, have limited choices, and how their disadvantages actually cost them more money. My personal life experience is one from an upper middle class family, and was raised in a wealthy suburb in a predominately white community. My family never had financial struggles, so I had no experience with battling bills. I worked in high school and had my own money, but I had nothing to pay for. I thought I made a decent amount of money making $7 an hour, and only working 15-20 hours a week. For a person with no bills or rents to pay for, $150-200 a week was a lot to me. Recently, I moved out of my parent’s suburban home and into the city to be closer to school and gain some independence as an adult. I make about $250-400 a week, depending on the activity of the restaurant I waitress at. I soon realized that I am very dependent on my two roommates to split bills and rent, because I could never afford to live on my own. Although we live in a low income neighborhood, the cost of food, rent, electric, heat and cable bills stack up, and I struggle to pay them. I also only pay one third of the full cost. I have a car I need to put gas in, a gym membership I pay monthly and credit card bills every month. I now see how people that make just as much, or less than I do, struggle even more to make ends meet when their income is at the head of the household. I wanted to show to people that it is more expensive to be poor, because of the lack of resources, income and credit, and also what their options become for survival due to these circumstances. I also did a quantitative study on renting versus owning an item, to show that it actually costs more to rent something than to purchase it upfront. I chose to sample the same three items from two different stores, and recording the prices to see the differences of renting and owning it. I am aware that most individuals in poverty, usually do not have enough money to purchase items or homes upfront so they often rent them, thinking they can afford weekly or monthly payments to stretch out their income to afford other life necessities. My first concept I chose to focus was access to food. I thought about how much I spend on the food I enjoy for just for me personally, and I think it is expensive. I enjoy fruits and fresh vegetables, brand name cereals and expensive breads. Since I grew up eating the certain brands, I continue to try and afford the things I like. Being an individual with a low income, I cannot imagine supporting not only myself, but a family solely on my income. In this research paper, I will explain the hardships of getting to and from the grocery store, and if you cannot, you need to shop elsewhere, such as corner stores.† Prices in urban corner stores are almost always higher, economists say. And sometimes, prices in supermarkets in poorer neighborhoods are higher. Many of these stores charge more because the cost of doing business in some neighborhoods is higher.† [ (Brown, 2009) ] This can lead to spending extra time, danger, stress, and in the end, costing the individual more money. It also forces those with less money to spend, higher risk for obesity. â€Å"Inequitable access to healthy foods is one mechanism by which socioeconomic factors influence the diet and health of a population†. (Drewnowski, 2009) Since they do not have the money to afford healthy choices, they must choose foods that they can stretch out in order to feed their families, even if it is not healthy. My next concept I chose to study was the price of minimum wage, and how it isn’t really the minimum coverage of standard living. In New York State, the minimum wage is $7.25. â€Å"About 20% of American adults who have jobs are earning less than $10.65 an hour. Even at 40 hours a week, that amounts to less than $22,314, which is the poverty level for a family of four†. [ (Isidore, 2011) ]. This simply states that a monthly income of about $1,000-$2,000 is almost impossible to survive on. This may lead to bad credit, forced into renting, and having people do dangerous or criminal activity to get money or items for their families. The poverty rate for all people disguises substantial variation between racial and ethnic subgroups. Poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics greatly exceed the national average. According to the United States Census Bureau, â€Å"In 2010, 27.4 percent of blacks and 26.6 percent of Hispanics were poor, compared to 9.9 percent of non-Hispanic whites and 12.1 percent of Asians.† (Bureau of the Census, 2011) Poverty rates are most often the highest for families headed by single women, particularly if they are black or Hispanic. â€Å"In 2010, 31.6 percent of households headed by single women were poor, while 15.8 percent of households headed by single men and 6.2 percent of married-couple households lived in poverty.† (Bureau of the Census, 2011). â€Å"The official poverty level is an annual income of $22,314 for a family of four â€Å". (Yen, 2011) On average, depending on the size of a household, a family living in poverty has an average income of less than $20,000. This can include couples with children, single parents with one or more children. Needless to say, this is not a lot of money to support a family on, and thus they have to take extra steps to survive, which results in higher costs, and contributing to the statement of the high cost of poverty. You have to be rich to be poor. This is what some people, who have never lived below the poverty line, don’t understand. The poorer you are, the more things cost. Additional steps in money, time, hassle, exhaustion, and danger. This is a fact of life that television, magazines and media, do not often explain. Take for example, food. First, if you do not have a car, getting to the supermarket can take anywhere from one to three hours of public transportation, and costing a price to use the bus or a taxi. To use the method of public transportation, it is necessary to hav e to load all of your groceries into the bus, or taxi. This is limiting to space and capability of carrying all of the groceries. A simpler version of this would be to walk to the corner store, for free, but where the grocery selection is limited and prices are doubled. â€Å"Prices in urban corner stores are almost always higher, economists say. And sometimes, prices in supermarkets in poorer neighborhoods are higher. Many of these stores charge more because the cost of doing business in some neighborhoods is higher.† (Brown, 2009) Also, if you are living in poverty, you will most likely not be making enough money to buy $100 or more worth of groceries for your family. This results in the person or family spending more money, to either get to the grocery store, or paying more for the food to save money traveling to and from. In the end, it is a losing situation, and the poor are paying more in the end than someone who is wealthy and has access to the necessary resources. Spending more money than middle class, or wealthy class to buy groceries is one example of how high the cost of poverty is. If the poor is spending money in the corner stores, they are most likely not getting nutritious foods or healthy choices that most corner stores do not carry. Obesity is a direct result from that, seeing that unhealthy foods cost way less than healthy eating does.† Obesity and type 2 diabetes follow a socioeconomic gradient. Highest rates are observed among groups with the lowest levels of education and income and in the most deprived areas. Inequitable access to healthy foods is one mechanism by which socioeconomic factors influence the diet and health of a population†. (Drewnowski, 2009) Low income levels leave people no choice but to choose foods that are nutrient poor, because it is a price that can afford and something they can stretch out among their whole family to feed them. It is also the best way to provide daily calories at an affordable c ost. Those who are struggling financially are clearly the most disadvantaged when it comes to healthy eating habits. In our grocery stores today we have so many artificial sweeteners, preservatives, fats and sweets that are sure to taste good, but not good for our health. Fats and sweets tend to cost way less, where as healthy foods cost more. It makes no sense to have unhealthy foods cost less than healthy foods, but it is the manufacturing and production that determines the cost of foods. Therefore, those who do not have the money to purchase healthy options have to choose foods that fit in their budget. These are usually unhealthy, packaged, canned or frozen options that have little to no nutritional value. Even those families that have government support, welfare checks and food stamps are still on a restricted budget. The foods they are allowed to get for free or reduced price are items such as fruit juices, canned fruits, cereal, grits, and corn tortillas. These items are all packed with sugar and calories which is not aiding in healthy lifestyles. â€Å"Researchers have shown that low-income neighborhoods attract more fast-food outlets and convenience stores as opposed to full-service supermarkets and grocery stores† (Drewnowski, 2009). This also relates back to travel costs, transportation and affording food. Since it is easier to get to the corner stores, it is a disadvantage to the customers because the corner stores are usually just packed with unhealthy options. It is economic deprivation that is a key factor in obesity, and one key factor of weight gain may be low diet cost. Another example of how the high cost of poverty is, is the price of minimum wage and if it really acceptable to be the minimum wage you can survive on. Most people and experts agree that to get out of an economic slump, we need more jobs. But another problem is that millions of Americans already have jobs that don’t pay very much. â€Å"About 20% of American adults who have jobs are earning less than $10.65 an hour. Even at 40 hours a week, that amounts to less than $22,314, which is the poverty level for a family of four†. (Isidore, 2011) In New York State, the federal minimum wage is $7.25. Minimum wage is supposed to be the wage in which it is the bare minimum amount of money that one can survive on. Even at 40 hours a week, that equals to be $290 without taxes taken out. This would be a paycheck of about $250 for one week, and this equals about $1000 a month. Taking into consideration that those who are the working poor, they need to spend more money getting to and from work, which also costs extra time. They also need to pay bills, feed themselves and their families. For an individual making $1,000 a month, this is almost impossible to survive on even in minimal conditions. An average cost of rent in Buffalo NY is fairly inexpensive, and taking into consideration that Buffalo on of the poorest cities in the United States, we have to be aware that there is many people in the city below the poverty line. According to, An average one bedroom apartment in Buffalo is $679 a month and two bedroom apartment rents average $750. To see this in comparison to another large city, one bedroom apartments in New York City rent for $2356 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $2767. Minimum wage is clearly not enough to survive on if your average monthly income is $1000. Out of $1000 income, you have to set aside an average of $600 for rent, leaving you $400 for car fees, if you have one, or transportation fees if you depend on them. If your apartment does not include utilities, you need money for electric bill, gas bills, which can skyrocket in our area when it is winter, cable or internet if possible, and food budget. Another example of a disadvantage the poor have is the actual process of cashing their check to get their money. The rich or middle class usually have the option of direct deposit for their paychecks. The poor have check-cashing and payday loan joints, which cost time and money. The poor pay more for financial services, and many people who cannot be capable to have a bank account may have to pay extra money for a money order to pay their bills and cash their checks. â€Å"They may pay a 2 percent check-cashing fee because they don’t have bank services.† (Brown, 2009) Many people in poverty literally live paycheck to paycheck. If they have a bill that’s due, they do not have a luxury of online payments, because they cannot afford computers or internet, so they have to mail it. If they do not have the money in time for a bill, they have to wait for their next paycheck. This can cost late fees, and in an end result, spending more money than a person with those luxuries. While many people are surviving in this manner, people will look for any way to get by without spending their money. Many people in poverty may depend on credit cards to help them afford things they cannot. Credit cards can help out for temporary reasons, but if not paid off, this can cause more problems. People who are struggling to pay their bills will most likely have bad credit, and have no other option but to rent homes, items, and many other things they cannot afford, due to their credit and income. Bad credit also costs more money than those with good credit. If a person does not have enough money to pay off bills in full, they will get extra interest charges and fees that stack up and end up costing more for them. Since I did not have the option of going into homes of the people in poverty, I decided to do research on items, rather than homes, to compare the costs of rent to own. Poor people do not have the option of owning homes, because of their credit and/or income, so they have no choice but to rent. I wanted to see if the price you pay for being a low income individual actually costs you more, than to own something. This is to show that poverty does in fact cost more to live I chose to look at a refrigerator, a range and a television from two different department stores to compare prices on a rent versus owning the item. My first item, the refrigerator, a 25.3 cubic foot, Side-by-Side with thru-the Door Ice and Water, Black color, was $799.99 to own immediately from Best Buy. At Rent- A-Center, the same exact refrigerator was $37.99 to rent per week, for 91 weeks. At first, it seems like a cheap deal and a realistic price for those who do not have the $799.99 upfront to spend. When you do the math, $37.99 per week for 91 weeks is $3457 total to own after renting at the $37.99 per week. This is over four times the price it would cost to buy at Best Buy and own immediately. I also learned that consumers can get a â€Å"discounted† price by purchasing the item after 90 days, which seemed a little better to me. When I did the math again, it would equal out to be $1728 total to own after renting for 90 days. This is still about double the price of buying it immediately. My next item I compared was the range. A GE-30† Freestanding Electric Range, Black-on-Black Quickset III oven. At Best Buy this was $429.99 to own immediately. Rent-A-Center had the same oven for $24.99 to rent per week for 74 weeks. The total to own after renting for 74 weeks at $24.99 was $ 1849. After 90 days of renting, the total price to own would be $924.63. The prices are clearly different, but yet it seems manageable when you are there. Looking at a price of $25 a week for a nice, brand new stove seems pretty manageable if you have a low income. When you look at the math and how much it will actually cost to rent rather than own, it is actually over four times the original price to own the oven upfront. The last item I compared was a television, an Insignia © Advanced 42† Class/1080p/ 120Hz/ LCD. This item from Best Buy was $749.99 to own immediately. Rent-A-Center had the same television for $39.99 to rent per week, for 74 weeks. It seems like a reasonable, affordable price until you calculate it and realize that it would cost $2959 total to own after 74 weeks of renting. This is about four times the original price. After 90 days of renting, the â€Å"discount† price to own, at Rent-A-Center is $1479, still double the original price. All three of the items I chose to compare are most needed in homes, with the exception of the television. Although it is not a necessity, almost all homes have at least one television. When those who are living in poverty want to own these items, they will have struggles to afford paying them. They turn to the option of renting because they see the low price and it appeals that it is affordable to them. The small payments they think they can afford weekly add up and end up costing them quadruple of original prices. In conclusion, being poor is a struggle. It costs much more money and time to be poor. Working lots of hours and making little money takes a toll on many people here in the United States. I wanted to show readers that this is a very realistic topic to study, and that the cost of poverty is high. The obstacles and disadvantages those in poverty have to deal with are frustrating, stressful ,and in need of change. Poverty is a very difficult thing to understand and take control over because lifestyles cannot be forced upon. People choose their own paths of life, and lack of education, jobs, motivation, children and many other situations are uncontrollable. In our society, I think it is important to know the struggles of those in poverty stricken situations and to understand their hardships. This can be motivation to those in it, or headed towards it in their future. Learning about the costs and disadvantages poverty comes with can be a motivating factor for people to go to college and get an education to receive a well paying job, get a job in general, educate themselves about saving money, and learning that renting is not cheaper than owning. Hopefully my research will be beneficial to those in college, living on low income, to do well in school to gain better jobs, educate those in poverty about the costs they are spending and figuring new alternatives, and to open eyes to those that think it is cheap to be poor. Being in poverty costs time and the cost of poverty is certainly high. In the end, the high cost of poverty will be a never ending cycle of time and money and I hope this research paper opens the eyes of all individuals to help make this problem change. Bibliography Brown, D. L. (2009). The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More. Lexis Nexis Academic , A-4. Bureau of the Census. (2011). Income Alternative Poverty Estimates in the United States. Washington D.C: U.S Census Bureau. Drewnowski, A. (2009). Nutrition Reviews: Obesity, diets, and social inequalities. Seattle: University of Washington. Isidore, C. (2011, September 27). CNN Money. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Not getting by on minimum wage: Jason M. Sutherland, E. S. (2009). Getting Past Denial — The High Cost of Health Care in the United States. The New England Journal of Medicine , 1227-30. Mirriam Webster. (2011). Mirriam Webster Dictonary. Dictionary . Brittanica Company. Yen, H. (2011, September 13). Yahoo News. (A. Press, Ed.) Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Census: US poverty rate swells to nearly 1 in 6:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Importance of Third Parties essays

Importance of Third Parties essays Though the candidates of the third party have little to no chance of winning a presidential election, they are of great importance when it comes to which of the standard two parties, Democratic and Republican, will win the election. Several factors come into place for a third party to influence an election, such as: popularity of candidate, stance on issues, strong division between Democratic and Republican candidates, economy, and even war. The candidates of a third party run based on their belief of issues, not on chances of winning. These men, and possibly women, run for presidency as to express their beliefs and voice their opinions to the American people. The issues of several third parties have been introduced into not only our political but also our social lives. There are several examples of this prominent in our countrys history. The most dominant of these issues is womens suffrage. Beginning in the 1800s, both the Prohibition and the Socialist Parties began a push toward not only the right of women to vote but also the equality of women. Womens suffrage, later adopted by both the Republicans and the Democrats, has now been established due to the 19th Amendment. The Income Tax is also a direct result of the issues of the Populist and Socialist Parties. Beginning in the 1890s both parties began the pursuit of a progressive taxation, which would eventually be established, with the ratification of the 16th Amendment. Several other key issues include social security, immigration restriction, and even child labor laws. With such important influences on American society, it is easy to distinguish that the third party is vital to the American culture without even looking at their importance within the electoral process. Over much of American history, especially more modern history, elections have exhibited the use of the two-party system. A two-party system is one in which only two parties hav...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Accounting Information is Objective and Neutral- myassignmenthelp

This reflection is undertaken in order to have an understanding about accounting information. Accounting is a key part of the recording the financial transactions and thereby all the financial transactions are maintained in an effective manner. I have observed that there are several characteristics of accounting information and accounting has been a subject of sustainable development from year to year and therefore there has been a development of several regulations and concepts which have been incorporated in order to assist the accountants to display the correct picture. The double entry system was introduced globally and thereby it became the foundation of accounting and in the current time period it has become one of the significant tools for understanding the profitability of an entity, but even even the liquidity and the total performance in relation to the debts and the other factors that are non-financial in nature. I have observed that because of the fact that there have been high stake level that is involved and significance is given in order to restrict the stakeholders from being misinformed and therefore the accounting entities and the other governing bodies have taken measures in order to control the level of misstatements and this explains that accounting is objective in nature. The accounting information has certain amount of objective and it is seen that all the different level of accounting information have their unique objective and thereby tries to reduce misstatements. I have even observed that neutrality is even a characteristic of accounting information. Neutrality is even known as the quality of independence from biasness. Neutrality explains that during the formulation or the incorporation of the standards, the main issue is relevance and information reliability that improves and not has an impact that the new rule may have on a specific interest. It is seen that a neutral selection among the accounting substitutes are free from bias towards a prearranged outcome. The objectives of the financial statements serve towards users of various different data who have different interests and none of the prearranged outcome is likely to be suitable to the users. I can therefore state that accounting information and practices are determined impartially with no objective of focused bias for any type of user. I have noticed that there have been significant level of transformation in the process of accounting and accounting information with the advent of time as there have been several new kinds and mechanisms that have been introduced in order to enhance the process of accounting. Accounting information has significant level of value and it is seen that value of the accounting information is used by the users and the accountants in order to find out the result that is suitable for them. It is seen that there has been a fall in the value of accounting information with the transformation in the accounting standards. I feel that accounting information has an effective role to play with the help of which economic decision making can take place and thereby improvement in the operational plan and business decisions relating to various aspects can be undertaken.   Givoly, D., Hayn, C. and Katz, S., 2017. The changing relevance of accounting information to debt holders over time. Review of Accounting Studies, 22(1), pp.64-108. Magnan, M., Menini, A. and Parbonetti, A., 2015. Fair value accounting: information or confusion for financial markets?. Review of Accounting Studies, 20(1), pp.559-591. Prasad, A. and Green, P., 2015. Organizational competencies and dynamic accounting information system capability: impact on AIS processes and firm performance. Journal of Information Systems, 29(3), pp.123-149. Sudaryanti, D., Sukoharsono, E.G., Baridwan, Z. and Mulawarman, A.D., 2015. Critical Analysis on Accounting Information Based On Pancasila Value. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, pp.533-539.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Argument for people to use recreational drugs in the 1960 is danger Essay

Argument for people to use recreational drugs in the 1960 is danger - Essay Example The emergence of a recreational drug culture in the 1960s can be argued both for and against. While some arguments will support the 1960s experience, others will dispute all the undertakings that were related to the drug use practices. At the most outright aspect, drug use at a personal level increased significantly in the 1960s. Although the 1960s numbers can hardly match the level of drug use today, the drug culture emergence at the time was critical. Individual recreational drug users were looking for ways to pass time in a manner that was characterized by an activity that they did not undertake more often. Due to the emergence of a drug use wave at the time, many individuals were caught up in the wave. They got into drugs for personal reasons that related to the need for recreational experiences. In this respect, use of drugs was deemed to be a way through which relaxation was achieved since individuals engaged in an actual form of activity. Outside the recreational experience factor, other users got into recreational drug use out of peer influence. An association was being made in relation to drug use, thereby luring peers into the need for association. If one was to associate with his/her peers who used drugs, then it would be hardly unavoidable for this individual not to engage in drug use. Influential forces, therefore, acted upon different people at different times across the 1960s, resulting in an increase in the number of recreational drug users. Years in the 1960s were characterized by a rising notion of a countercultural society (Siegel 7). At the same time, the position of recreational drugs had gained high stakes in the society. Social and cultural uncertainty was looming, and populations were increasingly becoming unruly. As a result, a society that was deeply rooted in the use of recreational drugs was in the making. This realization had considerable impacts to individuals